Stevan Micic is an American-born Serbian wrestler. He competed for the USA until 2016 and later switched to Serbia in 2018. He won two bronze medals at the European Championships to move on becoming Serbia's first World Champion in Freestyle Wrestling. His goal is to becoming an Olympic Champion.


"Stevan is a world-class person all around. He fully dedicates himself to the sport of wrestling and everything he does."

Myles Amine,
Olympic Medalist and Stevan's former roommate in Michigan

"Stevan wrestles a unique and exciting style, he works extremely hard, and he's a lot of fun to watch compete. Beyond that, he is one of the most positive and optimistic young men that I have ever had the privilege to coach. He is simply a magnetic guy and someone you want to root for."

Sean Bormet,
Michigan Wrestling Head Coach

Stevan Micić je srpski rvač američkog porekla. Takmičio se za SAD do 2016. godine, a kasnije je prešao u Srbiju 2018. Osvojio je dve bronzane medalje na Evropskim prvenstvima kako bi postao prvi srpski šampion sveta u rvanju slobodnim stilom. Njegov dugoročni cilj je da postane olimpijski šampion.

Photo Credits: Cliff Keen Wrestling; University of Michigan